Mav Money Talk Introduction

Meet the financial planning students behind the show as they discuss tips for saving money in the grocery aisle and purchasing your favorite shirt.
About the podcast:
Mav Money Talk features Minnesota State Mankato financial planning students as they share best practices and tips to help you save, invest, and manage your money while being a college student and beyond. 

Episode 1: 
Meet the financial planning students behind the show as they discuss tips for saving money in the grocery aisle and purchasing generic items. 

Student: Austin Deike, Junior, Finance major with a concentration in Financial Planning 
Student: Aidan Ryan, Sophomore, Finance major with a concentration in Financial Planning 
Student: Charlie Frazzini, Junior, Finance major 
Graduate: Colin Duncan: Finance degree with a concentration in Financial Planning 
Financial Planning Director: Dan Hiebert 
Mav Money Talk Introduction
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