All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in total
Career planning and behavioral finance discussion with Mark Brice of Mindful Asset Planning.
The team discusses internships, career tips, and best practices, along with a discussion on behavioral finance and its impact on your money decisions. Mark is a guest ...

Roundtable Discussion: Planning for your Internship and Job Search
In this episode, the team discusses their successful internship and job search process.Aidan Ryan, Charlie Frazzini, and Austin Deike; Financial Planning Majors, all h...

The Importance of Employee Benefits in your Career Search
In this episode, the team talks with Carter Morrissette, a recent college graduate and new financial planner about the importance of employee benefits in your career p...

Setting Financial Goals
In episode six, the team interviews two successful financial planners who discuss best practices for setting financial goals. Episode five covered ways to successfully...

Tracking your money through budgeting
In episode number five, the team reviews various ways to track expenses while highlighting three different approaches. The purpose of tracking expenses is to help find...

Scholarship Opportunities
In this episode, Carolyn Nelson, Scholarship Director of Admissions for Minnesota State University, talks about how students can set themselves up for success when it ...

Part 2: Student Loans
In this episode, the team focuses on some of the specifics of student loans and covers important financial concepts such as compound interest.

Student Loan Planning
In this episode, the team focused on a high-level view of student loans, and also how they would fit into students' overall cost of education financing.

Mav Money Talk Introduction
Meet the financial planning students behind the show as they discuss tips for saving money in the grocery aisle and purchasing your favorite shirt.